This post really is about Karma. It's still a sweet pic, but mainly, Karma. I've built a couple of websites, and now I am currently working on two more. It's like I can't get enough of them right now. So, back to the Karma. Because I understand a little about SEO and how Google ranks their crap, I'm posting a couple of links that have had some really helpful jit on them about Website design, HTML, CSS and the likes. So, here is the first website that I really began to use to help me learn about HTML and building the structure of my sites. It's HTML dog and you can find it by following this link.
It's great because for beginners it takes you through step by step instructions on starting your website, and finishes with cascading style sheets to style your website. I loved it. I've since graduated to several books, and have loved it, but owe my Karma to the HTML Dog. I'll keep you posted with some of the links to my actual websites that I've built.
The next place on my list that I want to share my Karma with is a website called "a list apart". They have built a great website on design, content, planning, processes, and many more topics for building your website. I highly recommend visiting their site and subscribing to their RSS Feed. You can view their website by following the link below.
The last places for Karma that I want to mention is about SEO. They've got a ton of information that is really helpful when optimizing your site. It's SEO Book, and you can find them by following the link below.